For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace— Isaiah 9:6
As we start 2018 and I reflect over the first semester, I am thankful for Mt. Salus and the opportunity we have to partner with parents to teach students through a Christian worldview. Thank you parents for partnering with us as we “train up a child in the way he should go”.
Here are a few highlights just in this first semester:
- Helping those affected by hurricanes
- Helping the CPC move furniture
- Helping an elderly woman move to a new facility
- Students helping within our school to keep it clean and nice
- Cleaning the bus
- See you at the pole
- Prayer before school sponsored by students
- Chicken Dinner Fundraiser
- Fall Festival
- Grandparents Day
- Thanksgiving as a school with family
- Elementary singing at Brookdale
- Technology use by all our students: iPads 1st-9th and MacBooks for 10th-12th
- Internet upgrade to Fiber to allow high usage by the school
- A weekly chapel service where we can give God glory and worship him
I could keep going, but I want to pause and remind myself that God is the Great Provider and that we get to do all these things things to bring Him glory. Let it never become about us but always about Christ. How are we giving God the glory in these highlights?
We have started the second semester and, Lord willing, it will also bring many great events. Let us not leave the real reason for Christmas behind us “because Christmas is over.” God’s chief gift should be the center celebration every day – Jesus Christ our Savior. Born to save us, lived a perfect life as man without sin, and then died and rose again for our sins. Let us rejoice and reflect on this always.