Heart & Sole Sponsorship Opportunities Get your name out in the community and support the next generation of servant leaders in our community by becoming a race sponsor. Become a Sponsor. Make a Difference. The process is simple: Step 1 Choose Your Sponsor Level Step 2 Fill Out the Form Below Step 3 Submit Payment The sponsorship deadline (to be included on the t-shirt) is March 1st Sponsor Information Sponsor NameEmail AddressPhoneSponsorship Levels OptionsPresenting Sponsor ($2500) - Limit 1Swag Bag Sponsor ($1000) - Limit 3Timing Sponsor ($750)Logo Sponsor ($500)Hydration Sponsor ($250)Promotional Sponsor ($150)T-shirt Sponsor ($100)Digital Sponsor ($50)**All Sponsors should upload/email sponsor logo to mwhittle@mtsalus.org by April 11th.** Any materials for Race Day bags should be sent/dropped off at Mt. Salus Christian School by April 11th.Logo ArtworkPlease upload a black and/or white (not grayscale) PNG or Jpg file.Upload your logo here (for t-shirt) Deadline is April 11thDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesPlease upload a black and/or white (not grayscale) PNG or Jpg file. Upload your logo here (for digital promotion) Deadline is April 11thDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesPlease upload a color logo (not grayscale/business card) PNG or Jpg file. DonationUSDDon't want to be a named sponsor? You can donate any amount you choose.Sponsorship TotalPlease send payment by check or cash to Mt. Salus at 1580 Clinton-Raymond Rd., Clinton, MS 39056SubmitPlease do not fill in this field.